1. How does online redefine the notion of mass communication? Discuss with suitable examples.
- The recent version of communication is in the form of online. Since the emergence of internet and the cyber technology communication has been growing in a rapid pace. There was once time when communicating through larger distances was an obstacle. The introduction of internet changed all that and made communication a far lot easier, cheaper and faster. It was since then online became a tool of communication.
In the recent years the communication practice has been changing rapidly and due to which people are using more sophisticated technologies for communicating with one another. Now information is at reach of every single individual given the proper gadgets. Although this has caused a vast gap in the digital divide but has served as a boon for the human race.
The process of sharing information or message to large group of people, simply referring to mass communication has its own out lets like newspapers, broadcast media (TV/ Radio) and the Internet. Since the introduction of internet it has been trying to over power the traditional media. There are certain factors that make the internet a little stronger like, its reach world wide, convergence of different materials at one place i.e. audio, video, text, animation and interactive multimedia amongst which interactivity found in the internet gives it a huge advantage.
The sender- receiver relationship has also been changed. Mass communication in the earlier days was limited to one- many but now as the internet has been introduced the communication has shifted to many to many which is a huge factor which has redefined the notion of mass communication. Due to online media, now information is lot more easily accessible. Online has made communication confined within the four wall, which means that one doesn’t have to go out of their rooms to get any information. Also the availability of information is also vast, as all the information that is found at the cyberspace is constantly running over the information super-highway due to which there is unlimited access of message.
2. Discuss citizen journalism. Also discuss how the online media have been vital in the development of citizen journalism.
- The reporting of any event or information that is happening around, by any individual( need not be a professional), can simply be known as citizen journalism. This is just a brief idea about what is citizen journalism. These report can be of different forms which could include videos, audios, texts and graphics. In citizen journalism the individuals who were once mere audiences (receivers) can now take a part in the dissemination of information.
Due to the emergence of online media every individual has an access to the information at the cyberspace and due to which every individual can create, post and distribute any information over the internet. This is what has made citizen journalism possible.
Earlier in traditional journalism, the professionals would only be the one who would be giving out the news and all the other would be layman and take the information, but now as the online has been deepening its root in the journalism world, the opinion and sharing of information is becoming more common among the non-professional side too.
Online media is an open platform for any individual who has access to it, online media provides that ground where an individual employs the press tools that are available to them to inform one another. Due to which not only a person can be an information taker but also information disseminator.
3. Discuss functions and dysfunctions of Web 2.0 and social media with suitable examples.
- In a virtual community Web 2.0 is a area where users are allowed to interact and collaborate with one another as content generators in a virtual community. The notion of Web 2.0 came along in a conference brainstorming session between O'Reilly and Media Live International. Dale Dougherty, web pioneer and O'Reilly VP, noted that far from having "crashed", the web was more important than ever, with exciting new applications and sites popping up with surprising regularity.
The functions of Web 2.0 are listed below:
1. In web 2.0 a website is more like an application, with search, database indexed content, social sharing and integration dyanamic interactive features and network protocols.
2. It connects or streams content from other parts of the internet.
3. Information can be pulled from different places and can be personalized to meet the needs of single user.
4. It allows the mass population to communicate with each other and spread ideas rather than only receiving information from single sender.
1. People will be more dependent on internet for information.
2. Since sharing of information in unlimited and unchecked possibility of theft of intellectual property could be happening.
3. Free sites are the main target of hackers and most probably being dependent of internet the personal information can be leaked out unnoticed.
4. If a site or storage unit crashes the loss of data could be huge.
Social Media: According to Ron Jones
“Social media essentially is a category of online media where people are talking, participating, sharing, networking, and bookmarking online." It has various functions as well as dysfunctions attached to it.
1.Raising awareness of certain brand or idea.
2.to spread message quickly and getting response for eg. RSVP-ing an event.
3.Spreading quickly about any products and services.
1.Gets people away from physical presence thus taking ones social lives.
2.Privacy: The content that we put up in social media can be viewed by anyone so privacy issues can be of concern.
3.Wasting valuable productive time in social media websites are causing different type of problems, relating to health, mind, relationships.
Write Short Notes on:
1.Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg is the founder and CEO of Facebook, which he started in his college dorm room in 2004 with roomates Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes.
Zuckerberg attended Harvard University and studied computer science before founding Facebook.
While at Harvard, Zuckerberg created Facemash, a website that compared students’ dorm photos side-by-side in a fashion similar to HOT or NOT. Harvard administration was not amused, and Zuckerberg faced subsequent disciplinary action. Less than three months later, he launched Facebook.
Zuckerberg is responsible for setting the overall direction and product strategy for Facebook. He leads the design of Facebook’s service and development of its core technology and infrastructure.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
Sadak Bistaar Yojana
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